Mar 7, 2013

Most drivers have very obvious concerns about the skyrocketing cost of gasoline. We all need gas to get where we are going whether it be to work or for general transportation purposes. We aim to find the cheapest fuel rates every time we fill up but are still hard-pressed to really save money. There may be even worse news – your Tampa Bay area Honda may actually be wasting that precious gas and you are not even aware of it.


A poorly tuned vehicle will not be gas efficient. If your engine has to work twice as hard to get the job done due to dirty, worn down parts, it will likely need twice the fuel. Every time you drive a poorly tuned vehicle, you can be wasting the gasoline that has become so difficult to pay for week after week. Our Honda service center near Tampa Bay recommends that all drivers stick with regular maintenance services and vehicle evaluations to ensure that vehicles are running optimally at all times.


Finding ways to save gas may involve looking for the lowest pump prices but it also requires drivers to pay attention to the maintenance needs of their vehicle. Tires should be properly inflated to reduce the likelihood of a flat tire. Low pressured tires also waste gas because the engine worse more to move the vehicle along. Dirty filters can also reduce the gas mileage your Honda gets. Over time and with regular driving, your engine’s filters catch the dirt and grime flying around. The filters get heavy with grit and likely will tear. This prevents the filters from doing their job properly and protecting the engine. Not only will you lose gas mileage, you are also at risk of mechanical damage to your vehicle’s engine.


If you find you are visiting the gas pumps more often than you should, you’ll first want to schedule a vehicle evaluation at our service center to be sure there are no leaks in the fuel system. If no leaks are present, our service technicians can evaluate the rest of your vehicle to repair any issues that may be reducing how many miles you get to the gallon. To remain fuel efficient, your Honda should be inspected at regular intervals recommended by our staff to ensure you it is always in good, reliable working order.